
Power to gesture




Power to gesture

I believe that the practice of dance should offer the body the tools to express itself through a movement, improvisation and composition technique. Invention takes shape through the use of structures, these ideas represent a starting point, the rest is up to dancers.
Francesca Lettieri

Movement technique, a practice on the body that allows the performer to proceed in space through ductile and flexible mechanics, according to an idea of interconnection in the space. The objectives of the practice are: adaptability,  organicity, speed and sudden ability to change level and direction.

Improvisation  technique
As an unpredictable but organized process. The practice pushes the dancer to make creative and complex decisions in a space in constant transformation looking for some tasks:
Implementing imagination and invention developing ability to imitate (mirroring and group unison) trusting for the other members of the group (active and passive, leading\following) developing rhythmic skills and awareness of shaping time; listening the group’s timing (speed, duration, accent, pausing, acceleration and deceleration), relating to the sound learning how to manipulate the use of space (covering space, working on the floor, distance, focus, levels, group design) Composition technique

How to choose the dance material of an improvisation, what to keep and what to throw?
How to start and how to end a choreographic composition?
Which register to choose?
how to change the register and how to conduct the choreographic work through a process of transformation from one register to the other?
Which language for which space: making a dance composition for theatre and for a non-conventional space
Some qualities for dance language in choreography I am looking for: Visibility, Accuracy, Consistency, Multiplicity